quotations about writing

Getting even is one great reason for writing.... But getting even isn't necessarily vicious. There are two ways of getting even: one is destructive and the other is restorative. It depends on how the scales are weighted.


The Paris Review, summer 1977

To leave the reader free to decide what your work means, that's the real art; it makes the work inexhaustible.


The Guardian, December 17, 2005

Tags: Ursula K. Le Guin

I've got splinters in my nose from the best publishing doors in town.


interview, Time, March 18, 2008

Tags: Rita Mae Brown

The chief advantage that ancient writers can boast over modern ones, seems owing to simplicity. Every noble truth and sentiment was expressed by the former in the natural manner; in word and phrase, simple, perspicuous, and incapable of improvement. What then remained for later writers but affectation, witticism, and conceit?


Essays on Men and Manners

Writers, especially when they act in a body and with one direction, have great influence on the public mind.


Reflections on the Revolution in France

Tags: Edmund Burke

In the past, the virtue of women's writing often lay in its divine spontaneity ... But it was also, and much more often, chattering and garrulous ... In future, granted time and books and a little space in the house for herself, literature will become for women, as for men, an art to be studied. Women's gift will be trained and strengthened. The novel will cease to be the dumping-ground for the personal emotions. It will become, more than at present, a work of art like any other, and its resources and its limitations will be explored.


"Women and Fiction", Granite and Rainbow

I have no pleasure in writing myself--none, in the mere act--though all pleasure in the sense of fulfilling a duty, whence, if I have done my real best, judge how heart-breaking a matter must it be to be pronounced a poor creature by critic this and acquaintance the other.


letter to Elizabeth Barrett, March 12, 1845

The right story needs the right telling.


interview, Chicago Public Library

I write fiction and I'm told it’s autobiography, I write autobiography and I'm told it's fiction, so since I'm so dim and they're so smart, let them decide what it is or it isn't.


Deception: A Novel

Keep your head down, avoid all the distractions of being a writer today--all the shifts in the business, all the drama, all the debating about where publishing is going--and write the best story that you can. It sounds a bit glib, but I think this is advice a lot of people are having trouble following right now. It is so hard to focus. But that is the single key to success.


The Big Thrill, June 30, 2013

Tags: Jeff Abbott

My father really taught me that you really develop the habit of writing and you sit down at the same time every day, you don't wait for inspiration. You sit down, it helps your subconscious understand that it's time to start writing and to relax down into that well of dream material and memory and imagination. So, I sit down at the exact same time every day. And I let myself write really awful first drafts of things. I take very short assignments; I will capture for myself in a few words what I'm going to be trying to do that morning, or in that hour. Maybe I'm going to write a description of the lake out in Inverness in West Marin, where I live. And so I try to keep things really small and manageable. I have a one-inch picture frame on my desk so I can remember that that's all I'm going to be able to see in the course of an hour or two, and then I just let myself start and it goes really badly most mornings; as it does for most writers.


interview, Big Think, April 6, 2010

Tags: Anne Lamott

As the deadline looms, my quality of writing is in danger of declining all because I just had to check my email.


"The Dangers of Distracted Writing", Huffington Post, February 28, 2016

I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.


attributed, The Novel-Writing Plan

In my view, if you write every day you're a certified graphomaniac, you're OCD, you're addicted to the physical act and not the real, spiritual one.


"Writing is not about youth but about spark", Irish Times, March 27, 2017

You must write according to your feelings, be sure those feelings are true, and let everything else go hang.


Flaubert's Parrot

Tags: Julian Barnes

The poet cannot invent new words every time, of course. He uses the words of the tribe. But the handling of the word, the accent, a new articulation, renew them.


Present Past / Past Present

Tags: Eugene Ionesco

The writer must believe that what he is doing is the most important thing in the world. And he must hold to this illusion even when he knows it is not true.


New York Times, June 2, 1969

Tags: John Steinbeck

I write because I've always written, can't stop. I am a writing animal. The way a silk worm is a silk-producing animal.


attributed, Shoptalk: Learning to Write with Writers

Tags: Doris Lessing

Write books only if you are going to say in them the things you would never dare confide to anyone.


The Trouble with Being Born

Tags: Emil Cioran

All stories are about wolves. All worth repeating, that is. Anything else is sentimental drivel.


The Blind Assassin

Tags: Margaret Atwood