quotations about sex

If you have fathered a child, if you have given birth, if sex is a source of healthy pleasure, thank your pelvis and your reproductive organs for allowing you to feel the creative rhythms of life.


The New American Spirituality: A Seeker's Guide

Tags: Elizabeth Lesser

Sex and hypocrisy. They go together like coffee and cream.


The Windup Girl

Tags: Paolo Bacigalupi

Sex is not a mechanical act that fails for lack of technique, and it is not a performance by the male for the audience of the female; it is a continuum of attraction that extends from the simplest conversation and the most innocent touching through the act of coitus.


"Could I have been any more inept?", Salon, October 26, 1999

Tags: Garrison Keillor

OK, not everyone's desire is the same. No one can tell you how much sex you should want. A sexless relationship or marriage is not necessarily a bad one, as long as, here's the key, both people are genuinely happy with that. Ultimately, relationships are about fit.


"Why Women Are Losing Interest In Sex After A Year", Forbes, September 16, 2017

Well, maybe the thing most people don't like about sex is that it has to end.


"People reveal the one thing they don't like about having sex", The HealthSite, September 18, 2017

By separating the function of adaptation from the function of maintaining the integrity of individual genes, sex allows much greater diversity while still keeping genes whole. Sex is not only fun, it is good engineering practice.


Programming the Universe

Tags: Seth Lloyd

No matter how much you know, no matter how much you think, no matter how much you plot and you connive and you plan, you're not superior to sex. It's a very risky game.... It's sex that disorders our normally ordered lives.


The Dying Animal

Tags: Philip Roth

Musical beds is the faculty sport around here.


Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Tags: Edward Albee

The only sea I saw
Was the seesaw sea
With you riding on it.
Lie down, lie easy.
Let me shipwreck in your thighs.


Under Milk Wood

Our society's notions of normality are completely fake and meta-trendy, since they rely on the changing standards of superstition, religion, Christianity and gender bias to define themselves. Americans, in particular, exhibit very childish reactions to sexual practices that are new to them, much like little kids who are offered a vegetable they haven't seen before: "That's disgusting!" "But darling, you haven't even tried it!"


Nothing But the Girl

Baby, in a world without pity,
Do you think what I'm askin's too much?
I just want to feel you in my arms,
Share a little of that Human Touch.


"Human Touch"

Tags: Bruce Springsteen

Every virtuous woman desires a husband to whom she can look for guidance and protection through this world. God has placed this desire in woman's nature. It should be respected by the stronger sex. Any man who takes advantage of this, and humbles a daughter of Eve to rob her of her virtue, and cast her off dishonored and defiled, is her destroyer, and is responsible to God for the deed.


Journal of Discourses

Tags: Brigham Young

The only surefire way to spot a floundering couple is to count the number times per week they have sex. Yes, OK, this is all very male gaze and whatever. But really think back over your own relationship history. Didn't the breakups, mostly, coincide with a prolonged dry spell? Remember all those times you've counselled friends, whose love affairs have entered a tailspin? Isn't hearing them blub "we barely even have sex anymore" so commonplace it's basically a trope? Even if you're happily hooked-up, don't you find the frequency of petty bickering is inversely proportional to the quantity of humping?


"Your relationship is failing because you don't put out enough", Metro, September 9, 2017

A study found that couples in their sixties still having regular sex looked between five and seven years younger than those no longer having sex.


"8 health benefits of great sex", Net Doctor, September 4, 2017

Although we may get bashful about discussing it at times, sex is a vital part of life. After all, our being here is a result of the deed being done at one time or another.


"Scientists Say People Who Have A Lot Of Sex Are More Likely To Have An Excellent Memory", Little Things, September 18, 2017

Sex is like the cherry on the top of a sundae, but you need to make the sundae first, if you get my drift.


Dear G. Spot

Tags: Zane

Our interest in sex is no longer to annihilate it, but to educate it, to find civilized opportunities for its expression.


Drift and Mastery: An Attempt to Diagnose the Current Unrest

Tags: Walter Lippmann

He'd noticed that sex bore some resemblance to cookery: it fascinated people, they sometimes bought books full of complicated recipes and interesting pictures, and sometimes when they were really hungry they created vast banquets in their imagination -- but at the end of the day they'd settle quite happily for egg and chips if it was well done and maybe had a slice of tomato.


The Fifth Elephant

Research has proven that we burn 3.6 calories per minute during sex -- more than during a brisk walk.


"Six reasons why sex is the best exercise (apart from the obvious)", The Telegraph, August 30, 2017

There was sex, of course.
Wall to wall, in and out of my thoughts.
But when it was over it was her whispering voice I craved, and a human curled up in my arms.


Getting the Girl