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Good thoughts are apt to vanish away if they be not speedily embodied in good actions.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Conscience is an exact recorder, that writes every man's history; an inward witness, that will sooner or later speak the whole truth; an impartial judge, whose sentence will acquit or condemn.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Selfishness is a swamp that sucks in all and gives out nothing.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

He that will be his own master ... must often have a fool for his scholar.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

You must receive something of heaven into the soul, before the soul can be received into heaven.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Men have contrived instruments to measure the motion of time, but they have no scales to weigh, no figures to compute, no words to describe its value.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Pride is a cold, stormy, barren mountain.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Let not neither the tears of natural tenderness, nor the sudden terrors of conscious guilt, be mistaken for genuine repentance.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

As the circle of friends is enlarged, the bonds of friendship are relaxed and weakened.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

The most weighty truths may strike, but without meditation cannot enter and influence the mind.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Faithful, well-written history is a map, in which we trace the winding ways and manifold wonders of divine Providence.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Idleness buries a man alive.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Scourges, racks, and flames, can inflict no pains to be compared with the stings and tortures of a guilty conscience.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

A man who is ready to converse but has nothing to say worth hearing, is a well without water; he that is rich in knowledge but reserved is a well without a bucket.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Vanity has many outlets in conversation, but great I is the front door.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Sin in its ordinary progress first deceives, next hardens, and then destroys.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

One mild word ... will quench more heat than a bucket of water.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

He who clips away a little truth, and puts in a patch of falsehood to make measure, is likely to become a skilful manufacturer of lies.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Meditation is to the mind what exercise is to the body, it warms and invigorates.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

The ancients painted time in the form of an old man with a large tuft of hair on his forehead, but bald behind, to teach us, that, if we catch him not as he comes, it will be impossible after he has passed by.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Wicked men by specious errors and intoxicating pleasure contrive to lull conscience into a slumber; but when it wakes, its voice is louder than thunder, and its strokes keener than flashes of lightning.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Cunning is the mere ape of wisdom, and all hate its low tricks.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Some often repent yet never reform; they resemble a man travelling a dangerous path who frequently starts and stops, but never turns back.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

You may glean knowledge by reading, but you must separate the chaff from the wheat by thinking.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Wit malignantly employed is like a crackling fire that with every fresh blaze sends out sparks. Take care that you are not burnt.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

He who possesses good books without gaining any profit from them, is like an ass that carries a rich burden and feeds upon thistles.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Friendship has been called the sweetener of life. It is a compound made up of truth and kindness, prudence and piety.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Prayer is called pouring out the heart before God. Is the heart full of sins? pour them out in penitent confessions; full of sorrows? pour them out in humble complaints; full of desires? pour them out in earnest petitions; full of joys? pour them out in rapturous praises.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

A holy and useful life does not purchase heaven for a christian, but prepares him for heaven.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

He who leaves religion to his last day, reserves only the bran for God, while he gives the fine flour to the Devil.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

While you have a talent, and time to use it, be diligent.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Time is short. Seventy years in the eye of youthful fancy seems a vast and almost boundless space; but in the estimate of sage experience, and in the full view of eternity, they contract to a span and dwindle to a point.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

The heart is God's temple. Let no unhallowed fire, no infernal passions, burn in his sanctuary.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth

Death to the wicked is all loss, to the righteous all gain.

JOHN THORNTON, Maxims and Directions for Youth


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