quotations about men

A man was like a child with his appetites. A woman had to yield him what he wanted, or like a child he would probably turn nasty and flounce away and spoil what was a very pleasant connection.


Lady Chatterley's Lover

Tags: D. H. Lawrence

A man is just a woman's strategy for making other women.


The Handmaid's Tale

Tags: Margaret Atwood

Men are always ready to die for us, but not to make our lives worth having. Cheap sentiment and bad logic.


Jo's Boys

Tags: Louisa May Alcott

Man, when viewed in separation from his Maker and his end, can be as little understood and portrayed, as a plant torn from the soil in which it grew, and cut off from communication with the clouds and sun.



Tags: William E. Channing

In the ardor of his enthusiasm, a youth set forth in quest of a man of whom he might take counsel as to his future, but after long search and many disappointments, he came near relinquishing the pursuit as hopeless, when suddenly it occurred to him that one must first be a man to find a man, and profiting by this suggestion, he set himself to the work of becoming himself the man he had been seeking so long and fruitlessly.


Table Talk

Tags: Amos Bronson Alcott

Men are like your smart phone. Pick up your phone and get into Settings. I can bet that you only know the functionality of that smartphone up to 50 per cent. There are certain functions in that phone you have never tried and you do not know what they are used for. You have never ventured beyond the normal stuff that an ordinary hand set does. Yet, that is your phone. That is exactly the same scenario. That man in your house, plans, thoughts or heart, he remains your man, but I can assure you do not know him 100 per cent.


"Ladies, here's why men aren't an open book", The Standard, August 14, 2017

Man seems to be made neither to live alone nor with others.


Maxims, Characters and Reflections

Tags: Fulke Greville

But man crouches and blushes,
Absconds and conceals;
He creepeth and peepeth,
He palters and steals;
Infirm, melancholy,
Jealous glancing around,
An oaf, an accomplice,
He poisons the ground.


The Sphinx

Tags: Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock or a painful embarrassment. And just the same shall be man to the Übermensch: a laughing-stock or a painful embarrassment.


Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Tags: Friedrich Nietzsche

If I were granted omnipotence, and millions of years to experiment in, I should not think Man much to boast of as the final result of all my efforts.


Religion and Science

Tags: Bertrand Russell

Believe me, the world always was, and always will be the same, as long as men are men.


Alciphron; or, The Minute Philosopher in Seven Dialogues

Tags: George Berkeley

Ah, race of mortal men,
How as a thing of nought
I count ye, though ye live;
For who is there of men
That more of blessing knows,
Than just a little while
To seem to prosper well,
And, having seemed, to fall?


Oedipus the King

Tags: Sophocles

They do not believe there can be tears between men. They think we are only playing a game and that we do it to shock them.


Another Country

Tags: James Baldwin

The toolmakers had been remade by their own tools. For in using clubs and flints, their hands had developed a dexterity found nowhere else in the animal kingdom, permitting them to make still better tools, which in turn had developed their limbs and brains yet further. It was an accelerating, cumulative process; and at its end was Man.


2001: A Space Odyssey

Tags: Arthur C. Clarke

No one has any right to be angry with me, if I think fit to enumerate man among the quadrapeds. Man is neither a stone nor a plant, but an animal, for such is his way of living and moving; nor is he a worm, for then he would have only one foot; nor an insect, for then he would have antennae; nor a fish, for he has no fins; nor a bird, for he has no wings. Therefore, he is a quadraped, had a mouth like that of other quadrapeds, and finally four feet, on two of which he goes, and uses the other two for prehensive purposes.


Fauna Suecica

I don't understand men. I don't even understand what I don't understand about men.


Are Men Necessary?

Tags: Maureen Dowd

You men never can understand ... that, however fond a woman may be of a man, there are times when he palls upon her. You don't know how I long to be able sometimes to put on my bonnet and go out, with nobody to ask me where I am going, why I am going, how long I am going to be, and when I shall be back. You don't know how I sometimes long to order a dinner that I should like, and that the children would like, but at the sight of which you would put on your hat and be off to the Club. You don't know how much I feel inclined sometimes to invite some woman here that I like, and that I know you don't; to go and see the people that I want to see, to go to bed when I am tired, and to get up when I feel I want to get up.


Three Men in a Boat

Tags: Jerome K. Jerome

We are socialized into thinking that men are like wine -- they get better with time. Women are like cheese -- they get blue veins and start to stink.


"Why I refuse to date an older man", The Straits Times, October 22, 2017

This is man: a writer of books, a putter-down of words, a painter of pictures, a maker of ten thousand philosophies. He grows passionate over ideas, he hurls scorn and mockery at another's work, he finds the one way, the true way, for himself, and calls all others false--yet in the billion books upon the shelves there is not one that can tell him how to draw a single fleeting breath in peace and comfort. He makes histories of the universe, he directs the destiny of the nations, but he does not know his own history, and he cannot direct his own destiny with dignity or wisdom for ten consecutive minutes.


You Can't Go Home Again

Tags: Thomas Wolfe

The menfolk, they die, all right. And it's us women who walk around, like the Bible says, and mourn. The menfolk, they die, and it's over for them, but we women, we have to keep on living and try to forget what they done to us.


Go Tell It on the Mountain

Tags: James Baldwin