quotations about writing

To the question of writing at all we have sometimes been counselled to forget it, or rather the writing of books. What is required, we are told, is plays and films. Books are out of date! The book is dead, long live television! One question which is not even raised let alone considered is: Who will write the drama and film scripts when the generation that can read and write has been used up?


Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays

To say that a writer's hold on reality is tenuous is an understatement -- it's like saying the Titanic had a rough crossing. Writers build their own realities, move into them, and occasionally send letters home.


The Martian Child

Tags: David Gerrold

This is our goal as writers, I think; to help others have this sense of--please forgive me--wonder, of seeing things anew, things that can catch us off guard, that break in on our small, bordered worlds.


Bird by Bird

Tags: Anne Lamott

Things that you write are in some degree autobiographical, but the first thing you find out about autobiography is that it's the hardest thing in the world to write. It's hard because it's very difficult to be absolutely factual about yourself. So ... when you write, you may draw on facts from your own life, but if their not in harmony with your story, they're worse than useless. You just stumble over them.


Q & A at Howard Community College, February 1986

There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.


attributed, Literary Agents: How to Get & Work with the Right One for You

Tags: W. Somerset Maugham

There are probably seven persons, in all, who really like my work; and they are enough. I should write even if I were the only patient reader, for my aim is merely self-expression.


"The Defence Remains Open!"

Tags: H. P. Lovecraft

Theatre and publishing worship either precocious young writers or mute dead ones.


"Writing is not about youth but about spark", Irish Times, March 27, 2017

The world is a hellish place, and bad writing is destroying the quality of our suffering. It cheapens and degrades the human experience, when it should inspire and elevate.


"Strange Innocence", Vanity Fair, July 2001

Tags: Tom Waits

The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.


A Temple of Texts

Tags: William H. Gass

The same common-sense which makes an author write good things, makes him dread they are not good enough to deserve reading.


"Of Works of the Mind", Les Caractères

Tags: Jean de La Bruyère

The role of the writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say. Most of the writing today which is called fiction contains such a poverty of language, such triteness, that it is a shrunken, diminished world we enter, poorer and more formless than the poorest cripple deprived of ears and eyes and tongue. The writer's responsibility is to increase, develop our senses, expand our vision, heighten our awareness and enrich our articulateness.


The Diary of Anaïs Nin

The process of creating is related to the process of dreaming although when you are writing you're doing it and when you're dreaming, it's doing you.


attributed, A Writer's Book of Days

The old, slow, creaking descriptions are a thing of the past; today the rule is brevity -- but every word must be supercharged, high-voltage.


A Soviet Heretic

Tags: Yevgeny Zamyatin

That writer who aspires to immortality, should imitate the sculptor, if he would make the labours of the pen as durable as those of the chisel. Like the sculptor, he should arrive at ultimate perfection, not by what he adds, but by what he takes away.



Show people your stuff, listen carefully to their responses, but ultimately don't value anyone's opinion above your own. Be influenced by writers you dislike as well as writers you like. Read their stuff to figure out what's wrong. Find a balance between the confidence that allows you continue, and the self-critical facility that enables you to improve. Get the balance wrong on either side, and you're screwed.


interview with Dennis Widmyer, July 30, 2007

Tags: Alex Garland

Now, writing every day, and being paid for it and encouraged to do it, it was as if, in the midst of the clichéd dark and stormy night, I found the magical inn, its windows golden lit, and Summer was due to start tomorrow. I can only work at one thing well. Deprive me of that, and my "back-up plan," even now, will be the empty, stormy, darkened heath -- where, incidentally, even unpublished, somehow I'll still be writing.


interview, Intergalactic Medicine Show

Tags: Tanith Lee

My plots are always rudimentary. Whatever I've accomplished certainly does not depend on my virtuosity with plot. Generally I don't even have a plot. What happens is that my characters engage in an action, and out of that action little bits of plot sometimes adhere to the narrative. I never have to worry about lifting a plot, because I don't conceive of a book that way.


The Paris Review, winter-spring 1964

My job is not to try to give readers what they want but to try to make readers want what I give.


The Guardian, September 20, 2012

Many great writers address audiences who do not exist; to address passionately and sometimes with very great wisdom people who do not exist has this advantage--that there will always be a group of people who, seeing a man shouting apparently at somebody or other, and seeing nobody else in sight, will think it is they who are being addressed.


The Art of Being Ruled

Tags: Wyndham Lewis

It is the specialist's task to talk about means, about centimeters. An artist's task is to talk about the goal, about kilometers, thousands of kilometers. The organizing role of art consists of infecting the reader, of arousing him with pathos or irony -- the cathode and anode in literature. But irony that is measured in centimeters is pathetic, and centimeter-sized pathos is ridiculous. No one can be carried away by it. To stir the reader, the artist must speak not of means but of ends, of the great goal toward which mankind is moving.


The Goal

Tags: Yevgeny Zamyatin